Star magic in the Iliad
The Homeric Catalogue of Ships has been a puzzle for studying the Iliad since antiquity. The catalogue lists those who took part in the siege of Troy and where they came from. The catalogue appears to...
View ArticleCracking the Ritual of the Pentagram
There has never been a more abused and misunderstood ritual than the Golden Dawn’s Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP). Along with the Cabbalistic Cross, it has been kidnapped by others who have...
View ArticleWhat I learnt about magic from playing D&D
I was one of the first to play D&D when it arrived at my wargames club. I was not into magic or occultism then, and I have not played for many years. However there were some concepts that D&D...
View ArticleSpirits which effect a person’s daily life
A person is surrounded by spirits and in western society modern times we ignore them. However, once you start on a magical path finding them and working with them becomes more important. Whether they...
View ArticleThe paperback Hermetic Tablet has been released
The PAPERBACK version of the Hermetic Tablet is now available here The Hermetic Tablet is an annual Journal of Western Ritual Magic where people, from all traditions, share their experiences. Some of...
View ArticleAlt-Right needs to learn from history before lecturing others
While I am relieved that the Alt-Right is taking a sudden interest in history whenever they open their mouths they are repeating some howlers and clearly history is new to them. Here are several which...
View ArticleThe Whare Ra Etheric Link ritual
Whare Ra differed from the other Golden Dawn groups because of a little ritual called the Etheric Link. The ritual was given out after the 7=4 and was supposed to provide a direct connection to the...
View ArticleVenus Cloacina — the purification goddess… and poo
Venus Cloacina was the Roman goddess of sewers and she is a darn useful Goddess to have a contact with. She originally came from Etruscan mythology and is a truly ancient force was a spirit of a small...
View Article21ST CENTURY MAGIC – a lecture given at the XVIII Foro ACCE in Nerja
The following is the speech I wrote for the XVIII Foro ACCE in Nerja Spain in 2017. In fact I tinkered with the talk considerably “on the fly” to adjust for the audience. I went over time and was only...
View ArticleVepar the demon spirit of Augustus’s tenth How useful are the spirit lists for identifying what each spirit does? Where they are given descriptions,...
View ArticleDon’t rush to burn Bonewits
When I first became interested in magic, I was 17 and the only book I could find in the library was “Real Magic” written by Isaac Bonewits. While in hindsight it was not what I would end up as...
Within the Golden Dawn corpus, there is a slightly odd ritual called the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram. It is performed after a lesser ritual of the pentagram by adepts and various reasons...
View ArticleGodforms of the Golden Dawn review
Pat Zalewski’s books on the Golden Dawn are always worth getting and reading. Lately, he has not written that many, preferring to focus on this correspondence course, so his new one is a rarity. I...
View ArticleA candidate for the maker of your higher genius
According to the Iamblichus’ [1] The Higher Genius is made by the Master of Daemons by the King of the Underworld it is important when trying to contact this Daemon to also contact being....
View ArticleCognitive dissonance in the occult world
You would think that occultists would be at the cutting edge of thought and be ready to look and adapt to new ideas. In fact, new ideas are hard to come by and when introduced are met with a great deal...
View Article20 ways in which I am better than Jesus
Some people think that your Higher Genius wants you to be more like Jesus and there is considerable pressure to be as spiritual as Christ. Now there are loads of ways that Jesus is better than me, but...
View ArticleGeomancy magical questions
There has been a long running problem in using Geomancy to work out the results of rituals and magic. I have been playing around with Hellenic astrology for a while now and I think I have found the...
View ArticleStanding up to Blavatsky’s racism
One of the Prime movers and shakers of 19/20th-century occultism was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her Theosophical movement. It is hard to find an occult current which was not influenced by her or her...
View ArticleEmptying the cup of the lower self
The lower self or the indwelling personally is a part of the higher genius which has become lost in the plot of living. It surrounds itself with thinking which is useful for its existence but is...
View ArticleDon’t make the same mistakes
Esoteric groups ultimately fail. Historically the great groups like BOTA and the Golden Dawn died because they did not evolve to consider the new needs of society. The Golden Dawn survived in New...
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