This is not written by me but is rescued from the way back machine it is Copyright © 2003 University College London and is difficult to find. It is just that it is really important for those looking to use Ancient Egyptian methods for magic. If University College make it available again I will pull this translation down and link to the new one.
Contents of the ritual for ‘Opening the Mouth‘: the selection of 51 episodes in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira, in the sequence in which they occur (click here for the image)
Episode numbers follow the synoptic edition as numbered in Otto 1960, compiled from all main sources
In the transliteration and translation, N = name (vizier Rekhmira)
First (lowest) register on chapel north wall : title and eleven episodes, from right to left
Title as given at the beginning of the sequence in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira
irt wpt r n twt n N m Hwt-nbw
Performing the opening of the mouth for the statue of N in the Gold Mansion
Episode 8 (sequence position no.1 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the participants take their places
imy-xnt Xry-Hbt Sm r is
imy-xnt Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw aq.i mA.i sw
The imy-khent and lector priest – proceeding to the is-chamber
The imy-khent and lector priest
Words spoken: I enter to see him
Episode 1 (sequence position no.2 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: positioning of the statue, supply of clothing
N rdi Hr xAst nt Sa
Hr.f r rs HAyw m tA hrw
N mnxt HA.f mnxt
N is placed on a layer of sand
with his face to the south, unclothed, on the ground, by day
N – clothing behind him: clothing
Episode 2 (sequence position no.3 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: purification with four nemset-jars of water
smr pXr HA.f sp 4 m nmst 4 nt mw
Dd-mdw sp 4 wab wab n N
wabw.k wabw Hr swty DHty dwn-anwy
Dd-mdw smn.n.i n.k tp.k r qsw.k xr gb
DHwty iab sw tm m irt.f
The Companion to go around him four times with the four nemset-jars of water
Words spoken four times: pure, pure, for N
Your purification is the purification of Horus/Seth/Thoth/Dunanwy
Words spoken: I have fastened for you your head to your bones before Geb
Thoth is the one purifying him entirely as his task
Episode 3 (sequence position no.4 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: purification with four deshret-jars of water
smr pXr HA.f sp 4 m dSrt 4 nt mw
wabw.k wabw Hr swty DHty dwn-anwy
Dd-mdw sp 4 wab wab n N
min.k mw imyw irty Hr dSrty
DHwty iab sw tm m irt.f
The Companion to go around him four times with the four deshret-jars of water
Your purification is the purification of Horus/Seth/Thoth/Dunanwy
Words spoken 4 times: pure, pure, for N
Take the water that is in the red eyes of Horus
Thoth is the one purifying him entirely as his task
Episode 4 (sequence position no.5 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: purification with natron of Upper Egypt
smr pXr HA.f sp 4 m TA 5
Dd-mdw sp 4 wab wab n N
smin wp r.k
hA N dp.k dpt.f xnt sH-nTr
iSSw Hr swty smin
twt ib Hr swty smin
bd r.k Hsmn.k m abw nTrw Smsw Hr
The Companion to go around him four times with five pellets
Words spoken 4 times: pure, pure, for N
the smin-natron for your mouth to be open
Oh N! may you taste its taste in front of the divine pavilion
smin-natron is the spittle of Horus and Seth
smin-natron is the whole of the heart of Horus and Seth
Your mouth is washed, your natron is the purification of the gods, the followers of Horus
Episode 5 (sequence position no.6 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
smr pXr HA.f sp 4 m TA 5 HA nw St-pt
Dd-mdw sp 4 wab wab n N
bd.k bd Hr bd.k bd swty bd.k
bd DHWty bd.k bd dwn-anwy
bd.k Dd.ti
r.k r n bHs irty imy mndt mwt.k ist hrw ms.f im.f
The Companion to go around him four times with five pellets of the head of sky-cleaver
Words spoken 4 times: pure, pure, for N
You are washed, Horus is washed, you are washed, Seth is washed,
You are washed, Thoth is washed, you are washed, Dunanwy is washed,
You are washed, established, between them
Your mouth is the mouth of a milk calf, you who are in the lap of your mother Isis, on the day it is born
Episode 6 (sequence position no.7 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: purification with incense
pXr HA.f m TA snTr
Dd mdw sp 4
snTr.k snTr Hr snTr.k snTr swty
snTr.k snTr DHwty snTr.k snTr dwn-anwy
snTr.k kA.k snTr.k snTr.k
snTr.k Dd.ti imywt snw.k nTrw
snTr tp.k snTr tp-r.k swab
Going around him with a pellet of incense
Words spoken 4 times
You are censed, Horus is censed, you are censed, Seth is censed
You are censed, Thoth is censed, you are censed, Dunanwy is censed
Your censing is your ka, you are censed, you are censed,
you are censed, established, between your brothers the gods,
Your head is censed, your speech is censed, purified
Episode 7 (sequence position no.8 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: burning incense
pXr HA.f m TA snTr wab wab
Dd mdw sp 4 wab wab
min.k irt Hr ii sty r.k
Going around him with a pellet of incense, doubly pure
Words spoken 4 times: pure, pure
Receive the eye of Horus, may the scent reach you
Episode 9 (sequence position no.9 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the conception of the statue – the sem-priest in the Gold Mansion
Dsr m Hwt-nbw sDr in sm
Dd-mdw sm Hms xft-Hr.f
Dd-mdw sDw.n.f wi
imy-is aHa HA.f
Dd-mdw sqd.n.f wi
imy-is Dd-mdw sp 4
Dd-mdw in imy-is it.i it.i sp 4
srs sDr sm gmt imyw-xnt
Seclusion in the Gold Mansion: resting by the sem-priest
Speech of the sem-priest seated facing it
Words spoken: ‘he has struck me’
The imy-is to stand behind it
Words spoken ‘he has outlined me’
The imy-is – speech four times
Words spoken by the imy-is ‘My father my father’ 4 times
Waking the sleep of the sem-priest; the find of the imy-khent priests
Episode 10 (sequence position no.10 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sem-priest and imy-khent priests, between conception and sculpting
sm xft imyw-xnt
Dd-mdw in sm
mA.n.i it.i m qd.f nb
imyw-xnt Dd xft sm
Dd-mdw nn wn sw it.k r.k
wnw Hr
sm Dd-mdw xft imyw-xnt
Dd-mdw sxt.n sw sxtt-Hr
imyw-xnt Dd xft sm
Dd-mw mA.n.i it.i m qd.f nb
xw swn.f nn Xnnt im.f
sem-priest facing imy-khent priest
Words spoken by the sem-priest
I have seen my father in his every outline
The imy-khent priests to say facing the sem-priest
Words spoken: your father will never escape you
– the fugitive-gods of Horus
sem-priest – words to speak facing imy-khent priest
Words spoken: the trapper of Horus has snared him
– trapper of Horus (with spider determinative?)
The imy-khent priests to say facing the sem-priest
Words spoken: I have seen my father in his every outline
avoiding his pain, with no turmoil in him
Episode 12 (sequence position no.11 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sem-priest addresses the sculptors
sm xft gnwtyw
Dd-mdw in sm
Ab n.i it.i
irw n.i it.i
stwt n.i sw
m stwt n.i sw
Tw wrt
The sem-priest facing the sculptors
Words spoken by the sem-priest:
mark my father for me
– the marker
create for my father for me
– the divine form(er?)
make a likeness of him for me
– the grinders
Who is to make a likeness of him for me?
You indeed
Second register up on chapel north wall: ten episodes, from right to left
Episode 14 (sequence position no.12 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: words spoken at touching the mouth with the little finger
sm Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw iw.n.i m sxn.k ink Hr
mDd.n.i n.k r.k ink sA.k mr.k
sem-priest and lector-priest
Words spoken: I have come as your embracer, I am Horus
I have pressed your mouth for you, I am your son whom you love
Episode 13 (sequence position no.13 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sculpting – sem-priest and lector-priest address the sculptors
sm Xry-Hbt gnwtyw nbw
Dd-mdw m m it.i
Dd-mdw m Hw it.i
Dd-mdw m nDr tp.f
Dd-mdw m Hw it.k
sem-priest, lector-priest, all sculptors
Words spoken: who are those who approach my father?
Words spoken: who is it striking my father?
Words spoken: who is it forcing his head?
Words spoken: who is it striking your father?
Episode 15 (sequence position no.14 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: continuation of the sculpting
sm Xry-Hbt gnwtyw nbw
Dd-mdw m Hw it.k
Dd-mdw m xw it.k N
sem-priest, lector-priest, all sculptors
Words spoken: who is it striking your father?
Words spoken: who protects those who are to strike your father N?
Episode 16 (sequence position no.15 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sem-priest and lector-priest address the man hewing the head
sm Xry-Hbt mDH
Dd mdw xft
ink Hr stS
n di.i sHD.k DADA n it.i
sem-priest, lector-priest, cutter
Words spoken before
I am Horus and Seth
I do not allow you to make the head shine for my father
Episode 17 (sequence position no.16 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the lector-priest announces the end of the sculpting
Xry-Hbt imyw-xnt imy-xt Hr
ist Sm n Hr sxn.f it.f
lector-priest, imy-khent priests, member of the entourage of Horus
Words spoken
Isis is to go to Horus, so that he may embrace his father
Episode 18 (sequence position no.17 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the lector-priest tells the sem-priest to embrace the image
sm Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw is mAn.k it.k
sem-priest, lector-priest
Words spoken: go to see your father
Episode 19 (sequence position no.18 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sem-priest takes off the qeni-matting robe and dons a leopard-skin
Xry-Hbt sfx qni Ssp inm Aby
The lector-priest: untying the qeni-mat, putting on the leopard skin
Episode 20 (sequence position no.19 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the words of the sem-priest at the robing of the sem-priest
Dd-mdw nHm.n.i irt Tn m r.f
fd.n.i xpS.f
Words spoken: I have seized this eye from its mouth
I have severed its foreleg
Episode 21 (sequence position no.20 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the words of the lector-priest at the robing of the sem-priest
Xry-Hbt sm smr
Dd-mdw Ab.n.i n.k irt.k bA.k im.s
lector-priest, sem-priest, Companion
Words spoken: I have marked your eye for you, your ba-spirit (to be) in it
Episode 22 (sequence position no.21 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: change of scene from interior to outside
Xry-Hbt smr imy-xnt sm N
aHa r rwty
lector-priest, Companion, imy-khent priest, sem-priest, N
to stand outside
Third register up on chapel north wall: seven episodes, from right to left
Episode 23 parts two and three and episode 24 part two (sequence position no.22 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: slaughter of a long-horned bull
Xry-Hbt sm (also figure of a male butcher and a standing woman)
Dd-mdw r msDr.f in drt wrt [in spt.k ir.s r.k in sSAw] r.k
in ar wDa tp.f in smn wDa tp.f
Dd-mdw Am.n.i n.k sn
in.n.i n.k xfty.k Hnk.f Xr.k
ngA.n n.k sw itm
m arw r nTr pf
Dd-mdw min.k xpx irt Hr in n.k HAty im.f
m arw nTr pf
in n.k art.k wDa tp.f in n.k smn r.k wDa tp.f
lector-priest and sem-priest
Words spoken at his ear by the great kite: [it is your lip that makes for you, it is the knowledge] of your mouth
bring a goat, cut its head; bring a goose, cut its head
Words spoken: I have grasped them for you
I have brought you your enemy, for him to be offered beneath you
Atum has slaughtered him for you.
Do not approach that god!
Words spoken: receive the foreleg, the eye of Horus; the heart is brought to you with it
Do not approach that god!
your goat is brought to you, its head is cut; the goose is brought to you, its head is cut
Episode 25 with 23 part one and 24 part one (sequence position no.23 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes at the offering of the sacrificed bull
sm Xry-Hbt wp r irty sp 4
hA N ii.n.i m sxn.k ink Hr mDd.n.i n.k r.k
ink sA.k mr.k wp.n.i n.k r.k
Hw sw n mwt.f rm sw
Hw n smAt r.f
Hng r.k mxA.n.i n.k r.k qsw.k
Dd-mdw sp 4 HA N wp.n.i n.k r.k m xpx irt Hr
Dd-mdw sm di.i a r ngAw TAy Sma
imnH stp xpS.f Sd ib.f
(butchery scene:)
sfty Ssp di n Xry-Hbt
sfty Ssp di n smr
smr Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw in imnH di.i xpS n Xry-Hbt ib n smr
ist HAty m-a smr xpS m-a Xry-Hbt Xr.s di xpS ib r tA m-bAH N
sem-priest, lector-priest, opening of the mouth and eyes, four times
Oh N! I have come as your embracer, I am Horus, I have pressed your mouth for you
I am your son whom you love, I have opened your mouth for you
The one who struck him for his mother, weeping for him
The one striking for she who joins him
The one who … (?) your mouth: I have balanced your mouth and bones for you
Words spoken four times: Oh N! I have opened your mouth for you with the foreleg, eye of Horus
Words spoken: sem-priest – I put my arm on the male long-horn of Upper Egypt
grapple – cut its foreleg – remove its heart
(butchery scene:)
butcher – receive, give to lector-priest
butcher – receive, give to Companion
Companion, lector-priest
Words spoken by the grappler: I give the foreleg to the lector-priest, the heart to the Companion
Now the heart is with the Companion, the foreleg is with the lector-priest
Let them hasten with each – placing the foreleg and heart on the ground in the presence of N
Episode 27 (sequence position no.24 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes with a special instrument
Xry-Hbt Xry-Hbt imy-xnt wp r [irty ..]
hA N mDd.n.i n.k r.k r qsw.k
N fA.n.i n.k nwt tp.k
iT n.s Hr wrt.f HkAw ist
iT n.s swty wrt.f HkAw ist
pr.n.s m tp.k
in.n.s n.k nTrw nbw Sd.k sn sanx.k sn
xpr.n.k m pHty.k
stp.k sA.k n anx HA N
xw mwt.f
xpr.n.k m kAw nTrw nbw
xa.n m nswt bity sxm.ti m nTrw nbw ist
hA wsir Sw sA itm N pn pw nn anx.f anx.k
spd n.k Sw wAS n.k Sw
wA n.k Sw sxm n.k Sw
tp.k sA.k n anx HA N sA.k HA.f n anx n mwt.f
N pn wp.n n.k Hr r.k wp.f n.k irty.k
ntry m wr-HkAw wp r n nTr nb im
lector-priest lector-priest imy-khent priest, opening the mouth and [eyes ..]
Oh N! I have pressed your mouth to your bones for you
N, for you I have raised Nut over you,
whom Horus did take as his Great in Power
whom Seth did take as his Great in Power
– she has emerged from your head
She has brought you all gods, so you may save them and make them live
You have come into being in your strength,
to select your protection of life with them around N
to guard against his death
You have come into being as the sustenance of all gods,
and arisen as dual king, with power over all gods and even their sustenance
Oh Osiris, Shu son of Atum, they are this N, as he lives, you live
Sharpness is yours, Shu; glory is yours, Shu
Homage is yours, Shu; power is yours, Shu
You may select your protection of life around N, your protection around him for life, he has not died
Oh this N, Horus has opened your mouth for you, he opens your eyes for you
(with) the double-god blade, with the Great-of-Power blade, with which the mouth of every god is opened
Episode 26 (sequence position no.25 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes with a special instrument
sm Xry-Hbt imy-is aHa HA.f
Dd-mdw it.i it.i it.i it.i
Dd-mdw hA N Hng r.k mxA.n.i n.k r.k qsw.k
N wp.n.i n.k r.k
N wn.i n.k r.k m nwA
wn.n.i n.k r.k m nwA
msxtyw biA wp r n nTrw
Hr wn r n N Hr wn.n Hr r n N
wp.n Hr r n N m wpt.n.f r n it.f im m wpt.n.f r n wsir im
m biA pr m swty msxtyw biA
wp r n nTrw im.f wp.k r N im.f
Sm.f mdw.f Dt.f xr psDt aAt m Hwt sr wrt imt iwnw
iT.f wrrt.k im xr Hr nb pat
sem-priest, lector-priest, imy-is priest standing around him
Words spoken: my father, my father, my father, my father
Words spoken: Oh N! your mouth is … (?): I have balanced your mouth and bones for you
N! I have opened your mouth for you
N! I open your mouth for you with the nua-blade
I have opened your mouth for you with the nua-blade,
the meskhetyu-blade of iron, that opens the mouths of the gods
Horus is the opener of the mouth of N, Horus; Horus has opened the mouth of N
Horus has opened the mouth of N with that with which he opened the mouth of his father, with which he opened the mouth of Osiris
with the iron that came from Seth, the meskhetyu-blade of iron
with which the mouths of the gods are opened – may you open the mouth of N with it
so that he may walk and speak with his body before the great Nine Gods in the great mansion of the official that is in Iunu
and so that he may take up your White Crown there before Horus lord of the nobility
Episode 28 (sequence position no.26 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: presentation of the consecrated statue by the lector-priest
Xry-Hbt iry-pat
Dd-mdw Hw.i sw n mwt.f rm sw
Dd-mdw Hw.i sw n smAt r.f
lector-priest, leader of nobility
Words spoken: I strike him for his mother who weeps for him
– Mansion of Gold
Words spoken: I strike him for she who joins him
– Mansion of Natron
Episode 29 (sequence position no.27 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: presentation of the consecrated statue by the imy-khent priest
imy-xnt (imy)-xt Hr
Dd-mdw ist Sm n Hr
sxn n it.f
imy-khent priest, (member) of the entourage of Horus
Words spoken: Isis is to go to Horus
for the embrace of his father
– Kherseket
Episode 30 (sequence position no.28 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: address to the sculptors and carvers
Xry-Hbt smr sm gnwtyw mDhtyw
ink Hr swty
nn di.i HD.k DADA n it.i
lector-priest, Companion, sem-priest, sculptors, carvers
I am Horus and Seth
I will not allow you to (make) the head shine for my father
Fourth register up on chapel north wall: eight episodes, from right to left
Episode 31 (sequence position no.29 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: fetching the ‘son whom he loves’ from outside
Xry-Hbt sm sA mr.f (first scene, bringing him to the statue)
Dd-mdw in Xry-Hbt
Xry-Hbt sm sA mr.f (imy)-xt Hr (second scene, in front of the statue)
sm saq sA-mr.f r Xnw is
Dd-mdw wab wab N in n.k sA.k mry.k wp.f r.k
lector-priest, sem-priest, son whom he loves (first scene, bringing him to the statue)
Words spoken by the lector-priest
lector-priest, sem-priest, son whom he loves, (member) of the entourage of Horus (second scene, in front of the statue)
the sem-priest to bring the son whom he loves to within the is-chamber
Words spoken: pure, pure Oh N! – your son whom you love is brought to you so that he may open your mouth
Episode 32 (sequence position no.30 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes with a special instrument
Xry-Hbt sA mr.f wp r irty sp tpy mDdft sp sn-nw Dba n wAs
Dd-mdw hA N mDd.n.i n(.k) r.k
sk pn r n it.i m rn.k n skry
N mDd.n n.k Hr r.k
wp.n n.k Hr r.k m irty.k
N Hng r.k mxA.i n.k r.k r qsw.k
lector-priest, son whom he loves, opening the mouth and eyes, first time – medjedfet-blade, second time – finger of was-sceptre
Words spoken: Oh N! I have pressed your mouth for (you)
Oh this striker of the mouth for my father in your name of Sokar
Oh N, Horus has pressed your mouth for you,
Horus has opened your mouth for you, and your eyes, so they are grounded
N! Your mouth is … (?), I measure your mouth for you to your bones
Episode 33 (sequence position no.31 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth with the little finger
sm Xry-Hbt wp r.f m Dba.k Ds.k
Dd-mdw hA N Hng r.k mxA.i n.k r qsw.k
wp.n n.k Hr r.k snT-wy r.k
sem-priest, lector-priest – open his mouth with your own finger
Words spoken: Oh N! Your mouth is … (?), I measure for you to your bones
Horus has opened your mouth for you – how well-grounded is your mouth!
Episode 36 (sequence position no.32 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes with a special instrument
sA mr.f Xry-Hbt
Ssp abt 4
Dd-mdw snT-wy r.k sk.i r.f m irty.k
N wp.n.i n.k r.k wp.n.i n.k irty.k m abt 4
son whom he loves, lector-priest
taking the four abet-tools
Words spoken: how well-grounded is your mouth! – I strike it – and your eyes, so that they are grounded
N! I have opened your mouth for you, I have opened your eyes for you, with the four abet-tools
Episode 43 (sequence position no.33 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: the sacrifice of a bull of Upper Egypt
di a r Ssr TAy Sma
imnH HA.f stp xpS.f Sd HAty.f
Dd-mdw r msDr.f in drt wrt in spt.k ir.s r.k in sSAw r.k
setting hands on a male sheser-animal of Upper Egypt
grappling it – cutting its foreleg – removing its heart
Words spoken at his ear by the great kite: it is your lip that makes for you, it is the knowledge of your mouth
Episode 44 (sequence position no.34 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: offering of the sacrificed bull
Ssp aq diw xpS HAty r tA m-bAH N
take – enter – place foreleg and heart on the ground in the presence of N
Episode 45 (sequence position no.35 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: as for Episode 25 above
Transliteration: see Episode 25, same wording
Translation: see Episode 25, same wording
Episode 46 (sequence position no.36 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of opening the mouth and eyes with a special instrument
sm Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw hA N wp.n.i n.k r.k
wn.i n.k r.k m nwA
wp.n.i n.k r.k m nwA
msxtyw biA wp r n nTrw
Hr wn r n N Hr wp r n N
wn.n Hr r n N wp.n Hr r n N
m wpt.n.f r n it.f im m wpt.n.f r n wsir im
m biA pr m swty msxntyw biA
wp r n nTrw im wp.k r n N im.f
Sm.f mdw.f Dt.f xr psDt aAt m Hwt sr wrt imt iwnw
iT.f wrrt im xr Hr nb pat
imy-is aHa HA.f Dd-mdw sp 4 it.i it.i it.i it.i sp 4
sem-priest, lector-priest
Words spoken: Oh N! I have opened your mouth for you
I open your mouth for you with the nua-blade
I have opened your mouth for you with the nua-blade,
the meskhetyu-blade of iron, with which the mouths of the gods are opened
Horus is the opener of the mouth for N, Horus is the opener of the mouth for N
Horus has opened the mouth of N, Horus has opened the mouth of N
with that with which he opened the mouth of his father, with which he opened the mouth of Osiris
with the iron that came from Seth, the meskhetyu-blade of iron
with which the mouths of the gods are opened – may you open the mouth of N with it
so that he may walk and speak with his body before the great Nine Gods in the great mansion of the official that is in Iunu
and so that he may take up the White Crown there before Horus lord of the nobility
imy-is priest standing around him
Words spoken four times: my father, my father, my father, my father, four times
Fifth register up on chapel north wall: eight episodes, from right to left
Episode 50 (sequence position no.37 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rites of clothing the statue
Episode 39 (sequence position no.38 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: adorning with the ostrich plume
Xry-Hbt Xry-Hbt xwt m Swt
Dd-mdw min.k irt Hr n Swt n Hr.k im.s
lector-priest, lector-priest, fanning with the plume
Words spoken: receive the eye of Horus, your face is not deprived of it
Episode 37 (sequence position no.39 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of touching with the peseshkaf blade
sm sm
Dd-mdw smn.i n.k arty.k pS.ti
sem-priest, sem-priest
Words spoken: I make your divided jaws firm for you
Episode 38 (sequence position no.40 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: offering of grapes
sm Xry-Hbt rdit irt r r.f
Dd-mdw min.k irt Hr iT.s iT.k n ap.n.s
sem-priest, lector-priest, giving grapes for his mouth
Words spoken: receive the eye of Horus; as it takes, you take, it cannot fly away
Episode 41 (sequence position no.41 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: offering of water
sm Xry-Hbt
Dd-mdw min.k irt Hr iab n.k mw imy.s
sem-priest, lector-priest
Words spoken: receive the eye of Horus; the water in it is purity for you
Episode 47 (sequence position no.42 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of censing
Episode 59 (sequence position no.43 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of censing, and litany to all gods
Episode 65 (sequence position no.44 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: rite of taking the offerings and purifying the offering-table
Xry-Hbt Dd-mdw sm Ssp Hnkwt
Dd-mdw sp 4
Hr Hw nxx Hr irt.f
r n swab wdHw
Dd-mdw swab swab wdHw m qbH m snTr
Hnk m t Hnk m Hnqt Hnk m qbH
dit iwt xpSw stpwt sxpt r HAt wdHw n N
ix nswt wab
lector-priest – words spoken – sem-priest to take the offerings
Words spoken four times
Horus is the one who strikes the flail over his eye
Formula for purifying the offering-table
Words spoken: purified, purified is the offering-table, with cool water and incense
Offering with bread – offering with beer – offering with cool water
have the forelegs and choice cuts that are conveyed placed at the front of the offering-table for N
Then the king is the pure one.
Sixth register on chapel north wall: five episodes, from right to left
Episode 69 (sequence position no.45 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: recitation of formulae for transfiguration
irt sAxw aSA in Xryw-Hbt
Performing many transfigurations by the lector-priests
Episode 73 (sequence position no.46 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: transporting the statue to the chapel
Episode 74 part C (sequence position no.47 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: installing the statue inside the chapel
Episode 74 parts A+B (sequence position no.48 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: opening the shrine doors and placing a garland on the consecrated statue
Episode 75 (sequence position no.49 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: a declaration that the statue is complete
Seventh register on chapel north wall: two episodes, from right to left
Episode 71 (sequence position no.50 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: offering of incense to the sun-god Ra
Episode 72 (sequence position no.51 of 51, in the tomb-chapel of Rekhmira)
Description: offerings with declaration that the Opening of the Mouth has been performed
The post Opening the Mouth Ritual appeared first on Nick Farrell's Magical Blog.